Episode 168 “The Bigfoot of Bailey Colorado and Its Portal”: Poll

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What should this documentary have been called?

24 comments on “Episode 168 “The Bigfoot of Bailey Colorado and Its Portal”: Poll

  1. GEF says:

    I would call it How to make portals and influence suckers- M’nam is Gef

    1. Unbeliever Maxwell says:

      See i’d have called it “Bigfootloose”, but that’s just me

  2. Taylor says:

    It’s boggling my much-boggled mind, but the difference between a vortex & a portal is the quality of The Shamen. No, not the indigenous healers…the Scottish-based rave band from the early 90s! “Ebeneezer Goode”, “Phorever People”, “Boss Drum”…all those jams are guaranteed to portal you into an acid house vortex!

  3. Josh says:

    An apt title would have been “Bigfoot Autopsy.” I don’t think the original title was enough of a ripoff.

  4. The Dang Ol' Creeps says:

    Why does it always have to be about Bigfoot’s plump pumpernickel dong? What about the wetness? Let’s see them fuzzy tits!

  5. Sean says:

    Braindead Bailey bigfoot believers -MothmanMother

  6. Tony says:

    Big Turds in Little Forest.

  7. Bigfoot won’t let me near his colony?
    What’s that’s hairy son of a bitch hiding?
    I’m a former governor … and he’s hiding from me?
    Sounds like he was involved in the JFK assassination to me. Where’s the damn book suppository?

  8. Whooping Hooper says:

    Channelling Bigfoot’s Ghost and How to Spot Other Early Signs of Mental Illness

  9. Blue Avian Flu says:

    Finding Tealfoot

  10. blueboxufo says:

    (Disregard my previous comment…left it for the wrong episode!)

    Bailey, Colorado is coming off as a desperate attempt to be the next Mt. Shasta! The only think that Nick Redfern-Pope (what is it with Nicks? Weird! NICK WEIRD!) didn’t attribute to Bigfoot is his slick ability to summon the violet flame!

  11. Unbelievable Penguin says:

    Bigfoot and his Crazy Kooky Pals

  12. Foot Fetish Lad says:

    “It smells like Bigfoots dick. – Foot Fetish Lad

    1. Foot Fetish Lad says:


  13. ScaredOfMyDadGuy says:

    Bigfoot Fought My Terrible Dad And Lost!

  14. LeftHandedBuckleGrabber says:

    When I get that feeling I need Bigfoot Healing. Like sausages on a conveyor belt.- Left Handed Buckle Grabber

  15. “Big” Jimmy Jalepeno says:

    Could you imagine what it’s dumps smell like?
    Call it cousin IT cause it’s hairy and scary and should wear sunglasses.

  16. Corrupted Mask says:

    For all you haters out there who I was going to throw a fit about the improper use of the term “Bigfoot” instead of “hairy biped”, I’ll let you proceed.

  17. Sixsickhicksnicksixslickbricks says:

    Beyond the Bark: Here Is Sasquatch Peeking Out From Behind a Bush

  18. TehMaxx says:

    I don’t know, man. I’m no Zena.
    But I do wish Bigfoot were my Dad.

  19. TehMaxx says:

    I don’t know man, I’m not a scientist! But I do wish Bigfoot were my Dad.

    1. Ramidus says:

      The Bigfoot of Bailey, CO and it’s Vortex (Ramidus)

  20. Host Quotes says:

    ‘To me they’re just tree molesters’-Drea Mora

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