Poll for Episode 182 – The St. Francisville Experiment

Click the image to answer this week’s poll and don’t forget to leave your “others” in the comments!

Poll for Episode 182 - The St. Francisville Experiment

Was Madison menstruating during the St. Francisville Experiment?

18 comments on “Poll for Episode 182 – The St. Francisville Experiment

  1. MTV's TheMaxx says:

    I don’t want this poll.
    Goodbye poll.

  2. CrouchingTiger ViciousCrabPerson says:


  3. Carol says:

    AaaaahhhhhAaaAAaHhhhAaHhhHhhhaaaaaaHhhhhhgaaahhhh ….. wa wa wa wa wa wa happen? Unbeliever Carol!

  4. Whooping Hooper says:

    Smashing Psychics is the name of my Smashing Punkins cover band

  5. Host Quotes says:

    “It was the smell of her areolas.”
    -Drea Mora

  6. Dick Liken and Aerosol Telfer says:

    How you gonna put a guy on the team who’s never actually chased a ghost?!? We need to know if someone sees a floating lantern, its not getting away from them!

  7. Unbelievable Penguin says:

    Yes, that’s why all the ghosts was in period clothing.

  8. Sea market shenanigans says:

    Lean in close and . . . Smell it.

  9. The Damn Creeps says:

    Do all women’s areolas smell? More research needed

  10. Thindler's Lisp says:

    Sorry my appearances on Poll Results have been spotty. Things have been a bit irregular. I was used to these episodes being monthly. But I’m back and I have stats to pad. Also Madison was definitely menstruating. Period!

  11. A grey on the roof says:

    Not full of beans here but it was a waterfall out that Varginha whatch out it spits. It’s not kinda like a secret
    Btw skull fuck Charles says hi

  12. LeftHandedBuckleGrabber says:

    Aunt Flow was in town. It was like shark week down there. If she had died her ghost would be wearing period clothing.- Left Handed Buckle Grabber

  13. I don’t know about Madison, but my ol’ dad once came home covered in blood, he said, “We’re not talking about it, PERIOD!” you do the math.

  14. Corrupted Mask says:

    Woah now, questions like that are a good way to get a woman to personally come to your house and kick your ass. DON’T ask women! – Corrupted Mask

  15. Community Dog says:

    let me smell her… let me small, you guys…

  16. Community Dog says:

    let me smell her… let me small you guys…

  17. Josh says:

    I’m not sure, but I’ll have you know that menstruation jokes are NEVER funny… PERIOD!

  18. Ramidus says:

    For every menstruation…someone…somewhere knows the answer. Perhaps that person is watching tonight. Perhaps it is you.

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