Poll for Episode 183 “Alien Highway” (the movie)

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Poll for Episode 183 "Alien Highway" the movie

Did Merlyn Merlin II ever ride in a UFO?

15 comments on “Poll for Episode 183 “Alien Highway” (the movie)

  1. Destin Star says:

    What’s up with drea, She sounds like a man and you guys kept calling her Peter? Wha what happened?

  2. The Damn Creeps says:

    I went into a Wackenhut once. Pee Wee Herman was there. Now I’m no expert, but for a security firm it didn’t seem all that secure.

  3. Taylor says:

    Not only did Ambassador Merlyn Merlin ride the ufo, but on it he found a bowl and he had to wackenhut into the bowl!

    Ps: thanks for finally covering this amazing movie!

  4. Not sure about any dang dong UFOs, but you should definitely look into my ol’ dad about Merlyn Merlin II’s death. I think he was at that ol’ brothel about the same time.

    1. The Rebob says:

      Calling yourself an Alien Ambassador but never riding a UFO is like saying you had 200 sexual encounters but never got laid.

  5. Unbelievable Penguin says:

    Yes, until he was kicked off after losing at Diddy Kong Racing.

  6. UnFriendly Weatherman says:

    I think he did and if anyone doubts me I’ll personally come to your house and kick your ass

  7. Corrupted Mask says:

    Dude, once the edibles kick in, a UFO isn’t even necessary. – Corrupted Mask

  8. Blue Avian Flu says:

    Not only did he ride in a UFO, he’s currently living in one while getting a Super PhD from the University of Phoenix. Now that’s what I call distance education!

  9. Thindler's Lisp says:

    Merlyn was abducted on the way to get some Kentucky.

    Unfortunately there was a bug in his chicken! Oh my gawwd. Ewwuh ewwuh I’m going to be sick!

  10. Host Quotes says:

    “He was living off of air and vaginal sustenance.”
    -Rus Ryan

  11. Whooping Hooper says:

    Maybe a UFO rode in him? All the way up, you can feel it in your butt.

  12. Ramidus says:

    He tried, but his flight path was also sold to Fox. Why would I like about that??

  13. Rich says:

    He didn’t, but his mutton chops did.

  14. Golden Rice says:

    No, but the Camo Dudes gave him a ride to the back alley, dunno why they would lie about something like that…

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